
ToddlesToddlers use their bodies, senses, and emerging problem­ solving skills, with a balance between individual attention and group experiences.

Our Toddler classrooms encourage exploration and promote cognitive, physical, social­, emotional, and language development. Our exclusive, milestone­ focused curriculum was developed by educational experts to focus on key developmental milestones specific to Toddlers.

We emphasize your child’s development, rather than specific age, because all children grow and learn at their own pace, and in their own unique way. Learning experiences are designed to address the individual needs and abilities of each child, in each classroom.

Toddlers are little busybodies. At AcademyOne, that’s okay. We balance individual attention with group activities and ensure that your toddler is using all that energy in productive ways. From trying all the playground equipment to pouring cereal, we give toddlers plenty of opportunities to investigate, explore and play in a safe, secure, yet stimulating environment. Our unique blend of education and care meets emotional needs while promoting good social skills and learning.